Halfway up the leaning tower of the Old Church is a heavy oak belfry containing two unusual bells.

Vibrating cups
Weighing almost 9,000 kilos and with a diameter of 2.3 metres, the Trinitas bass bell - also called Bourdon - is the largest historical swinging bell in the Netherlands. The bell was cast in 1570. Nowadays, it is only rung at royal funerals. Bourdon makes such a noise that, according to local residents, "the cups in the cupboard are vibrating". The bell is still struck with a hammer every full hour.
The second bell - called Laudate - has an unusual story. In 1943, together with the bell from the Nieuwe Kerk, it was taken by the German occupiers to be melted down. Fortunately, that never happened; in 1946 Laudate was hung back in its old place. Since then, this bell has rung every half hour.
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The tower of the Old Church has been a topic of conversation for centuries. 'How come it is so crooked?', 'Couldn’t it fall down?' For an answer to these questions, you have to go back to the year 1325...

Halfway up the leaning tower of the Old Church is a heavy oak belfry containing two unusual bells.