Sacred Sessions: Spring Edition 2025
Sacred Sessions are intimate gatherings responding to a wider yearning for spiritual and community connection.
Hosted by Madelaine Ley, a philosopher from TU Delft, each session uniquely blends philosophy, science, poetry, contemplative practice, and collective reflection. Over 75 minutes a theme is explored through myriad expressions, so that we may feel ideas rather than just understanding them intellectually.

The sessions are ecologically inspired. This spring season begins by tending to breakthroughs, intimate and cosmic, then moves into the expansiveness of summer growth.
The end of the spring season marks a full year of Sacred Sessions. Each gathering has held its own kind of magic, nurtured by the space itself as well as the collective willingness to explore, connect, and play around.
These will be the final sessions, as Madelaine will be moving back to Canada in June. The departure is bittersweet, but we’ll celebrate to
If you haven’t joined a Sacred Session yet, be sure to come this season! We’d be so glad to have you.
Doors open at 19:30h, event starts at 20h.
March 25: An Intimate Life
Smelling the roses isn’t just a phrase for a bumper sticker. It’s also a portal into life’s buzzing tapestry. With inspiration from David Abram’s book, The Spell of the Sensuous, we’ll spend this session exploring how our senses (re)connect us to our relational existence and how a small but intimate life is rich, indeed.
April 8: We’re Earthlings w/ cellist Marta González
In our day-to-day, we tend to forget that we’re moving on a planet in space. With the transportive cello music of Marta Gonzalez, this session will be dedicated to a collective remembering of our planetary nature. And in perfect paradox, we'll find that expanding our attention to the cosmos reconnects us to the magic beneath our feet.
(This session is a longer version of one called, Remember We’re Earthlings, which will be held at TU Delft’s Studium Generale’s For the Love of the World Festival on March 29th. More information here)
April 22: Tending to Hope
Hope, when not used to distract us from reality, is a fierce and tender thing. Drawing on Rebecca Solnit’s book, Hope in the Dark, we’ll explore the sensation of holding grounded and ungrounded hopes in times of upheaval.
May 6: Opening to the Great Expanse w/ Mirre Valkenberg
In a world seemingly attached to infinite growth, we’ll tap into another kind of expansiveness. Guided by singer, Mirre Valkenberg, we’ll dare to share our inner-depths with the big, vast world. This will include the liberatory experience of belting it out in the Oude Kerk. If you’re nervous about using your voice, this session is especially for you.
May 20: Joyful Endings
The final Sacred Session allows for the bittersweet feelings that accompany those endings that are also beginnings. We’ll try out some favourite exercises from past sessions and soak up in the sacred community we’ve created together. First-timers are absolutely welcome!